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A Review of the Theoretical Fascial Models: Biotensegrity, Fascintegrity, and Myofascial Chains


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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

Cureus. 2020 Feb 24;12(2):e7092.


Bruno Bordoni, Thomas Myers


The fascial tissue includes solid and liquid fascia (body fluids such as blood and lymph). The fascia's nomenclature is the subject of debate in the academic world, as it is classified starting from different scientific perspectives. This disagreement is not a brake but is, in reality, the real wealth of research, the multidisciplinarity of thought and knowledge that leads to a deeper understanding of the topic. Another topic of discussion is the fascial model to conceptualize the human body, that is, how the fascial tissue fits into the living. Currently, there are some models: biotensegrity, fascintegrity, and myofascial chains. Biotensegrity is a mechanical model, which takes into consideration the solid fascia; fascintegrity considers the solid and the liquid fascia. Myofascial chains converge attention on the movement and transmission of force in the muscle continuum. The article is a reflection on fascial models and how these are theoretical-scientific visions that need to be further investigated.

Publication Date: 

2020 Feb



Bordoni, B., Myers, T. (2020) 'A Review of the Theoretical Fascial Models: Biotensegrity, Fascintegrity, and Myofascial Chains', Cureus. 2020 Feb 24;12(2):e7092.

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