Alleviation of posttraumatic dizziness by restoration of the cervical lordosis: a CBP® case study with a one year follow-up
Structural and chiropractic
J Phys Ther Sci.2018 May;30(5):730-733.
M O Fortner, P A Oakley, D E Harrison
[Purpose] To present the successful treatment of posttraumatic dizziness and neck pains that were initiated in a patient following a whiplash event. [Subject and Methods] A 46 year old male suffered a whiplash event that initiated neck pain and dizziness symptoms. The patient had many positive orthopedic findings and demonstrated a forward head posture and cervical hypolordosis. The patient was treated by Chiropractic BioPhysics® technique including cervical extension traction, extension exercises and spinal manipulative therapy initially three times a week for 16-weeks, and once a month thereafter. [Results] The patient had a resolution of daily dizziness and neck pain with a concomitant reduction of forward head translation and increase in cervical lordosis. The postural measures were further improved after one year of mostly home-care. [Conclusion] The cervical spine alignment may be an important biomarker for those with dizziness. The correction of cervical lordosis may be an essential requirement for superior clinical outcomes for those with posttraumatic dizziness.
Publication Date:
2018 May
Fortner, OM., Oakley, AP., Harrison, ED. (2018) 'Alleviation of posttraumatic dizziness by restoration of the cervical lordosis: a CBP® case study with a one year follow-up', J Phys Ther Sci.2018 May;30(5):730-733.
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