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Changes in posture induced by 2 osteopathic manipulations are coherent with the sagittal or frontal orientation they involve


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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

Agressologie. 1991;32(2):134-6.


A Scheibel, M Debusschere


The effects of two osteopathic handlings were studied by two stabilometric criteria: the Cervical Symetry Quotient and the Spectrum of Amplitude. Out of 60 people, half were subjected to a High Velocity Technique the force of which was located in a frontal (left-right) plane of the body, the other half to a Fascial Technique the force of which was in the saggital (antero-posterior) plane of the body. The High Velocity Technique induces a significative modification of the Cervical Symetry Quotient which tends to be normal two days later; the Fascial Technique does not modify this criterium 20 min nor 7 days later. Both techniques modify significantly the Spectrum of Amplitude, High Velocity Technique in the 0.16-0.22 Hz band and in the frontal (left-right) plane, the Fascial Technique in the 0.3 Hz band and in the saggital (antero-posterior) plane of the body. These modifications last for up to 2 and 7 days respectively. So each of these two osteopathic techniques induce postural effects in the concerned plane of the body and not (or little) in the perpendicular plane.

Publication Date: 

1991 Jan



Scheibel, A., Debusschere, M. (1991) 'Changes in posture induced by 2 osteopathic manipulations are coherent with the sagittal or frontal orientation they involve', Agressologie. 1991;32(2):134-6.

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