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Clinical biomechanic correlates for cervical function: Part III. Intermittent secondary movements


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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1991 Feb;91(2):145-6, 149-55.


J Vorro, W L Johnston, R P Hubbard


Parts I and II of this study compared kinematic and myoelectric data for two groups of asymptomatic subjects classified as having symmetric or asymmetric motor response to a palpatory test for cervical sidebending. Kinematic data revealed that asymmetric subjects had limited mobility for primary and secondary motions. Myoelectric activity was slow to be initiated in the asymmetric subjects, and reduced in time and strength of contraction. Part III addresses additional specific kinematic data concerning three-dimensional orientations of the head; however, these data were accumulated throughout the paths of movement, not just at their end points as in our previous work. Although asymmetric subjects had demonstrated significantly reduced range of motion, paths of the more minor secondary axes did not differ significantly between groups. As with previous data (Part I and II), active and passive movements were undifferentiated; this degree of likeness in even minor aspects of the motor performance continues to indicate the remarkable similarities that can exist between primary movements directed and guided by trained physicians and those actively controlled by patients themselves. Part III completes a study of cervical motor behavior in which a passive gross motion test distinguished an asymmetric group with subclinical motor behavior that has measurable kinematic and myoelectric correlates.

Publication Date: 

1991 Feb



Vorro, J., Johnston, LW., Hubbard, PR. (1991) 'Clinical biomechanic correlates for cervical function: Part III. Intermittent secondary movements', J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1991 Feb;91(2):145-6, 149-55.

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