Professional ballet dancers' experience of injury and osteopathic treatment in the UK: A qualitative study
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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Jan;21(1):148-156.
Tobias Pollard-Smith, Oliver P Thomson
Objectives: Professional dancers suffer significant musculoskeletal injuries during the course of their careers. Treatment-seeking behaviour is important in all patient populations, yet is rarely investigated amongst professional dancers. This qualitative study aimed to form a better understanding of how dancers decide to seek treatment, and in particular to explore their experiences of receiving osteopathic care for their injuries.
Methods: A qualitative study design using grounded theory was used as a methodological framework for data collection and analysis. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore professional dancers' experience of injury and decision-making to seek professional healthcare.
Results: Five themes were constructed that explain and describe dancers' experience of injuries and their views and perspectives of treatment, these were; the growing dancer, the fear factor, learning to cope, effective treatment, and returning autonomy.
Conclusion: The personal development of each dancer consisted of an amalgam of internal and external pressures. These pressures combine with experiences of pain and injury to influence a dancer's decision-making behaviour when injured and deciding to seek treatment. The study also provide factors relevant in the effective treatment of dancers, and outlined participants' preference for a global physical approach to assessment and treatment of their musculoskeletal pain.
Publication Date:
2017 Jan
Pollard-smith, T., Thomson, PO. (2017) 'Professional ballet dancers' experience of injury and osteopathic treatment in the UK: A qualitative study', J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Jan;21(1):148-156.
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