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Secondary dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia associated with pelvic girdle dysfunction: A case report and review of literature


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Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Jul;27:165-168.


Daniele Origo , Stefania Piloni , Andrea Gianmaria Tarantino


Secondary dysmenorrhea is frequently associated with dyspareunia. When the diagnostic workup is negative, its clinical management could be complex and a cause for concerned for the patient. We reported a case of a young woman who suffered from dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. After symptoms progression and pharmacological therapy unresponsiveness, the gynaecologist referred the patient to an osteopath for the functional evaluation of the abdominal pevic area. The examination revealed the presence of pelvic, lumbosacral, and sacrococcygeal dysfunctions which, once treated, significatively reduced the severity of dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia. A multidisciplinary approach might be considered in case of suspected functional impairment. This should be carefully evaluated, considering the previous trauma history and the somatic dysfunctions on abdominal-pelvic fascia.

Publication Date: 

2021 Jul



Origo, D., Piloni, S., Tarantino, GA. (2021) 'Secondary dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia associated with pelvic girdle dysfunction: A case report and review of literature ', J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Jul;27:165-168.

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