The Five Diaphragms in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Neurological Relationships, Part 1
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
Cureus. 2020 Jun 19;12(6):e8697.
Bruno Bordoni
In osteopathic manual medicine (OMM), there are several approaches for patient assessment and treatment. One of these is the five diaphragm model (tentorium cerebelli, tongue, thoracic outlet, diaphragm, and pelvic floor), whose foundations are part of another historical model: respiratory-circulatory. The myofascial continuity, anterior and posterior, supports the notion the human body cannot be divided into segments but is a continuum of matter, fluids, and emotions. In this first part, the neurological relationships of the tentorium cerebelli and the lingual muscle complex will be highlighted, underlining the complex interactions and anastomoses, through the most current scientific data and an accurate review of the topic. In the second part, I will describe the neurological relationships of the thoracic outlet, the respiratory diaphragm and the pelvic floor, with clinical reflections. In literature, to my knowledge, it is the first time that the different neurological relationships of these anatomical segments have been discussed, highlighting the constant neurological continuity of the five diaphragms.
Publication Date:
2020 Jun
Bordoni, B. (2020) 'The Five Diaphragms in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Neurological Relationships, Part 1 ', Cureus. 2020 Jun 19;12(6):e8697.
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