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Rosenbaum, RR. (1998) 'A century of radiology in osteopathic healthcare', J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1998 Dec;98(12):696, 699-702.

J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1998 Dec;98(12):696, 699-702.

A century of radiology in osteopathic healthcare

R R Rosenbaum


This commemorative note, in recognition of the 100th anniversary of radiology in osteopathic healthcare, reviews the development of the specialty from the initial availability of primitive equipment to its present status as an important component of patient care and a significant element in the consideration of socioeconomic issues affecting patient welfare. The osteopathic medical profession was quick to grasp the potential of the new modality, and its history is an exciting aspect of osteopathic medicine's progress.

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