Quek, HHL., Pua, U., Chua, CG., Tsou, YYI. (2009) 'Computed tomography fluoroscopic-guided percutaneous spinal interventions in the management of spinal pain', Ann Acad Med Singap.2009 Nov;38(11):980-8.
Ann Acad Med Singap.2009 Nov;38(11):980-8.
Computed tomography fluoroscopic-guided percutaneous spinal interventions in the management of spinal pain
L H H Quek, U Pua, G C Chua, I Y Y Tsou
Local back pain and radiculopathy can be debilitating for sufferers of these conditions. There are a multitude of treatment modalities, ranging from conservative approaches such as bed rest, physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation, to more invasive options such as percutaneous spinal intervention (PSI) and surgery. We present here the techniques employed in the use of minimally invasive, image-guided percutaneous techniques under computed tomography fluoroscopy in our institutions. The inherent high spatial and tissue contrast resolution not only allows ease of trajectory planning in avoiding critical structures, but also allows precision needle placement. Cervical, lumbosacral, and sacroiliac pain can therefore be evaluated and treated both safely and effectively.
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