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Silver, RJ. (2001) 'The earliest case of cauda equina syndrome caused by manipulation of the lumbar spine under a general anaesthetic', Spinal Cord.2001 Jan;39(1):51-3

Spinal Cord.2001 Jan;39(1):51-3

The earliest case of cauda equina syndrome caused by manipulation of the lumbar spine under a general anaesthetic

J R Silver


Jonathan Hutchinson described a 42-year-old man with a previous history of alternating sciatica who had crushing of a pile under ether anaesthesia in 1889. When the patient awoke from the anaesthetic he had paralysis of his bladder and bowels. Jonathan Hutchinson could not establish a diagnosis. Evidence is presented to suggest that this was the first case of a prolapsed disc causing a cauda equina lesion as a result of anaesthesia and manipulation.

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