Oakley, AP., Kallan, ZS., Harrison, ED. (2022) 'The reduction of high thoracic scoliosis in adults by mirror image® blocking: a Chiropractic BioPhysics® case series', J Phys Ther Sci.2022 Jun;34(6):467-472.
J Phys Ther Sci.2022 Jun;34(6):467-472.
The reduction of high thoracic scoliosis in adults by mirror image® blocking: a Chiropractic BioPhysics® case series
P A Oakley, S Z Kallan, D E Harrison
[Purpose] A case series is featured demonstrating reduction of curvature in three adult patients who presented with a mild to moderate severity of a uniquely high thoracic curvature clinical presentation. [Participants and Methods] Three adult patients who presented with an upper thoracic scoliosis deformity of mild to moderate severity underwent Chiropractic BioPhysics® treatment protocols to treat their deformity. Radiographic stress imaging was performed to correctly position and ascertain potential treatment effect of the Denneroll spinal orthotic device. Patients performed spinal traction for 10-20 minutes daily with intermittent spinal manipulative therapy. [Results] There was a 4.5° average reduction in computerized Cobb angle measurement after treatment. All patients reported reductions in spinal pain and also reported subjective improvements in sleep quality and quality of life. [Conclusion] Mild reductions in uniquely high thoracic curves can be reduced in adult scoliosis patients with mild to moderate (17°-26°) curve magnitudes by CBP treatment protocols. Stress X-ray images are recommended to properly place the fulcrum and assess correction potential.
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